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Michael Bardan
Makes 5 years that you now passed away. So sad and I can't believe the time went by so quickly. Love you very much.
Richard Bardan
You've been gone 5 years today Dad. I can't believe how much time has passed. I miss you. Team Fathersons forever.
Richard Bardan
Happy birthday Dad. It was really nice hearing Uncle Frank's stories about you today. Miss you so much
Happy 71st Birthday Dad!! Love and miss you so much. Can't believe how long you have been gone. Could have used your support
Michael Bardan
Happy Father's day pops. Miss you so much. Wish we were cooking in the back yard or doing something together as a family.
Richard Bardan
Happy Fathers Day Pops. Really miss you and gathering around the huge table you painstakingly made.
Michael Bardan
Brays birthday is tomorrow. He's going to play the song Music Box at his piano recital for you tomorrow. Love you dad.
Richard Bardan
Happy Easter Dad. Miss you. You were the glue that held us all together. Wish you were here.
Richard Bardan
Happy New Year Dad. Miss you so much. Wish we could have had a drink together to celebrate. I miss having beers with you pops. Xox
Richard Bardan
Merry Christmas Dad. Missed you for Xmas dinner with the family. Not the same without you. It never is. Miss you so much.
Richard Bardan
Merry Christmas mom. I'm going to really miss you today. Wish you were here with us. Xoxo
Merry Christmas Dad. Love and miss you very much. Wish you were coming over for dinner later today. I miss our time together.
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